What to Expect on Your First Visit
Dr. Soon Na and Dr. Rosa Na begin with a personalized assessment and treatment plan based on each patient’s unique physical, emotional and mental situation. They formulate an individual treatment plan that focuses on establishing a sense of well-being in the body, mind and spirit. With a healthy, natural balance of mind and body, patients can feel transformed on many physical and spiritual levels.
Benefits can include:
Relief from pain and stress
Stronger immune system
Restoration of balance and equilibrium to the body
Stimulation and promotion of natural healing
First Visit
We advise our patients to be well nourished and hydrated before the treatment. Please eat at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment and avoid over consumption. Hunger or over-eating might cause side effects such as dizziness or fainting after an acupuncture treatment.
We reserve the right to refuse services to anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
What to wear: Patients should wear comfortable clothing, preferably consisting of a separate top and pants. (A clean gown and/or shorts will be provided if necessary.) Shoes should be easy to remove.
Comprehensive Physical Examination and Consultation
The first visit consists of a comprehensive examination and treatment that takes about one hour to complete.
The examination/consultation will include:
Complete history of complaint
Physical evaluation
Postural analysis
Range of motion examination
Orthopedic examination
Muscle strength and testing
X-ray evaluation
If necessary, we will refer the patient to a nearby radiology center for further examination based on severity of the trauma or injury.
Report of findings
Once we gather the patient's information, we will be able to discuss recommendations and goals, and answer any questions.
Clinical treatment
Consists of either acupuncture or chiropractic treatment with a combination of cupping therapy or physio-therapy. (Cupping therapy is the method of using glass or plastic cups to create localized pressure by a vacuum. It promotes blood circulation by triggering the lymphatic system. It can leave temporary painless bruising.)
Integrative wellness treatment
We incorporate a customized wellness treatment plan which may include herbal remedies, supplements, or home exercises to achieve healthy habits and daily routines.